Sekirei Wiki

This page contains the Sekirei Wiki's Image and video policy. It describes rules for images and videos which are uploaded to the wiki.

  • Policies set general rules for the wiki's administration and its content.
  • Any registered editor is free to edit this page to improve its readability as long as the essence of the article remains unchanged.
  • If you would like to suggest content changes or propose a new policy or guideline, please use the wiki discussion forum.
  • See the policies and guidelines page for an overview of this wiki's policies and guidelines.


  • Images and videos are subject to the general content criteria. In addition, there are some specific rules for this type of content outlined below.


  • Images should be of good quality.
  • Images should never include subtitles, Manga pictures should not have bubbles with texts, the bubbles should be cleaned.
  • Images should have a descriptive name.
  • Images in black and white from the manga should be replaced by colored anime screenshots if possible
  • Images for user pages may be uploaded to the wiki. They are to be named starting with "User user name", for example "User xyz image 1".
  • Images should be licensed. Fair Use Rationale and Fair Use must be added to the images.
  • Duplicate images should not be uploaded. Meaning, do not upload an image that is already present on the wiki.
  • Images should only be replaced by a higher quality image.
  • Do not upload meaningless images.


  • Embedded videos may only be used in articles if they illustrate issues which cannot be expressed by written text at all or only with difficulty. Examples for acceptable videos are anime or game trailers.
  • Videos for user pages may not be uploaded to the wiki; please use the YouTube extension if you wish to place videos on your user page.

See also[]
