Sekirei Wiki
Sekirei Crest

The Sekirei Crest

The Sekirei Crest is the symbol of the Sekirei that appears on the back of the neck of every Sekirei who has been winged. If that crest disappears, then the Sekirei is "terminated" and can no longer be with their Ashikabi.[1] Miya stated that to a Sekirei, losing their Sekirei Crest is the equivalent of death.[2]

The Crest[]

The Sekirei Crest is proof of a Sekirei's commitment and loyalty to their Ashikabi. The Sekirei Crest appears on the back of the neck of any Sekirei who has already kissed their Ashikabi. If a Sekirei's Crest disappears, it means that the Sekirei has been defeated and they are no longer allowed to participate in the Sekirei Plan and are not allowed to be with their Ashikabi anymore. Though, there are exceptions like Akitsu, a "disused product", who has stated that her master, cannot place his mark on her, meaning he cannot actually be her Ashikabi. She also tells Homura that she is envious of him since he can still be marked by an Ashikabi.[3]


The crest looks like a flying wagtail above a taijitu symbol with two magatama on each side of the taijitu. The crest is red in the anime and an unspecified colour in the manga, with the shading used suggesting that it is red or pink.

Making the crest disappear[]

There are two ways to make the crest disappear which will defeat the Sekirei. The first is to cause severe physical damage to the Sekirei. After a certain amount of damage is taken, the crest will disappear and the Sekirei becomes completely immobile. The actual amount of damage needed may vary between Sekirei, as some have been defeated by a single punch, where others like Musubi have taken substantial damage before having their crests disappear.[4] The amount of damage received by a Sekirei is categorized via five "shutdown levels." The higher the level the more severe the damage taken which caused the termination of the Sekirei.[5] Another possible way to make a crest disappear is to touch the mark, either after a battle and causing severe injury, or through a sneak attack, before reciting a prayer, which is unique to each Sekirei.[1] The only example of these methods not working was when Musubi's crest disappeared after receiving considerable damage from her fight with Benitsubasa, and being defeated by the Red Sekirei, thereafter becoming immobile. It was then that No. 08, Yume manifested and saved Musubi, restoring her Sekirei Crest in the process.[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Sekirei Manga chapter 09
  2. Sekirei Manga chapter 109
  3. Sekirei Manga chapter 63
  4. Sekirei Manga chapter 45
  5. Sekirei Manga chapter 53
  6. Sekirei Manga chapter 47