Sekirei Wiki
Sekirei No 75
Name Niwa
Japanese Name
Personal Information
Sekirei No 75
Species Sekirei
Gender Female Female
Three Size
Ashikabi Unknown
Norito Unknown
Voice Actors
Japanese None
English None
Image Gallery

Niwa is Sekirei No. 75, and debuted in the final (4th) match of the Third Stage, trying to take out Minato on Higa's orders so she and her Ashikabi could receive aid in escaping the Sekirei Plan.[1] Kaho and her Ashikabi intervened to protect Minato, leading to a two-on-one match between Niwa and Natsuka, and Kaho.[2] Niwa is later terminated by the MBI card her Ashikabi was carrying, which created a forcefield severing the connection between them for their failure to obtain a Jinki by the end of the final match.[3]


Niwa is stubborn, brave, and prideful, refusing to give up, even when she faces a stronger opponent, at least not without inflicting a few wounds, a trait she is shown to share with her ally Natsuka.[2]


Niwa is a female Sekirei of average height, with a moderately sized bust, shown to be slightly larger than Natsuka's when both of their attires were heavily damaged by attacks from Kaho.[2] She has long, straight black hair with prominent bangs, and appears to have dark eyes, possibly brown. She wears a short, sports bra-like top which exposes much of her midriff, a long skirt, combat gloves which shield her arms to about the elbow and match her top and skirt in colour, and dark boots.

Abilities and Powers[]

Very little is known about Niwa's powers, although she is shown to not be a weapons type. She was shown charging at Kaho bare-handed.[2][4]


Nothing about her past is known in detail, minus the standard facts that apply to all Sekirei due to their association with MBI. At some point she met and was winged by her Ashikabi.


  1. Sekirei manga chapter 124
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Sekirei manga chapter 130
  3. Sekirei Manga Chapter 132
  4. Sekirei Manga Chapter 131