Sekirei Wiki
Name Nina
Japanese Name 丹南
Personal Information
Sekirei No 27
Species Sekirei
Gender Female Female
Three Size
Ashikabi Mutou
Norito Unknown
Voice Actors
Japanese None
English None
Image Gallery

Nina is Sekirei #27, and first appeared at the beginning of the 4th match of the Third Stage of the Sekirei Plan, alongside her Ashikabi Mutou.[1] Nina is later terminated by the Disciplinary Squad for fleeing and not participating in the 4th match.[2]


Nina is a tall and slight female Sekirei with small breasts, who appears to have long white or blonde hair, and large black eyes that seem to lack pupils. She wears a red and white dress with noticeable ruffles and frills, black stockings, long black gloves with arm-length sleeves, and black shoes.


Nina is quiet, cordial, and polite, happily greeting Hari and engaging in a short conversation with her.[1] As was the case with many other Sekirei and Ashikabi at the match site, she was not fond of the prospect of fighting some major players in the Sekirei Plan and their Sekirei, leading to her fleeing with her Ashikabi.[1]

Abilities and Powers[]

Unknown, as her sole appearance prior to her termination did not feature her fighting. Likely not a weapons type due to no weapons being visible on her person as of her arrival at a battle site.


Nothing is known about her past yet minus the standard details that apply to all Sekirei due to their involvement with MBI. At some point she met and was winged by Mutou.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Sekirei Manga chapter 118
  2. Sekirei Manga Chapter 132