Sekirei Wiki

Momo is Sekirei #100 and one of Hayato Mikogami's Sekirei. During the Fourth Stage of the Sekirei Plan she was terminated during Yuna, Chiyo, and Hatae's surprise attack before being revived by Kusano's Norito.[1]

Sekirei 171 5 copy momo
Name Momo
Japanese Name 桃々
Personal Information
Sekirei No 100
Species Sekirei
Gender Female Female
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown
Three Size Unknown
Ashikabi Hayato Mikogami
Norito Dagger of my pledge, slaughter the enemy of my Ashikabi!
Voice Actors
Japanese N/A
English N/A
Image Gallery


Momo is a young woman with long, straight black hair and light eyes. She wears a white dress that is left in tatters after she is terminated.


Little is known regarding Momo's personality, it is shown that she is not very emotive, but like all of Mikogami's Sekirei she cares for him and is hurt by seeing him saddened.

Abilities and Powers[]

Little is known of Momo's abilities after she is first introduced, however, later appearances show that she fights using daggers.[2] Her Norito is: "Dagger of my pledge, slaughter the enemy of my Ashikabi!"


Nothing is known about Momo's past except for her time spent as a ward of MBI. After she was released she reacted to and was winged by Hayato Mikogami.

  1. Sekirei Manga Chapters 170-171
  2. Sekirei Manga Chapter 175