Sekirei Wiki
Name Miya Asama
Japanese Name 浅間 美哉
Personal Information
Sekirei No 00/01
Species Sekirei - Swordmanship
Gender Female Female
Height 161cm
Weight 45kg
Three Size B 87 / W 56 / H 87
Ashikabi N/A
Norito Unknown
Voice Actors
Japanese Sayaka Ohara
English Monica Rial
Image Gallery

Miya Asama (浅間 美哉, Asama Miya) is the landlady of the Izumo Inn who is also known as the "Hannya of the North." Due to her fearsome reputation, no Ashikabi or Sekirei have dared to attack Izumo Inn.



A full body appearance of Miya.

Miya is a slender yet shapely fair-skinned woman with waist-length purple hair, featuring shorter bangs styled in a hime cut and brown eyes. She wears the traditional attire of a miko that is a purple hakama, a white haori with a sash-like belt, wooden sandals and a white ribbon to partially hold her hair in place. During her time in the Disciplinary Squad, she wore their standard outfit. It's worth noting that, despite being the "oldest" Sekirei, she still retains her same youthful appearance from when she was found on Kamikura Island 21 years prior to the onset of the story.



Miya's demonic visage appears

Miya is an unwinged Sekirei as Takehito Asama (Miya's husband) was not an Ashikabi. She is Sekirei #01 and the feared former leader of the first generation of the Disciplinary Squad, although Miya claimed that she was a completely different person in the past during her time with MBI. The one responsible for changing Miya was her eventual husband, who she credits with enabling her to learn about people and the world, which changed her view on life. Though, after some time, she came to suffer loss and misfortune as Takehito died indirectly thanks to her actions which resulted in Miya leaving MBI and maintaining the Inn that her husband built, where she would never refuse anyone who needed shelter[1].


If you see these eyes, you`re probably already dead.

In Izumo Inn, Miya is often described as a maternal figure to the others, which is strongly denied by Miya, who states that everyone views her more as a big sister. She looks after everyone, trains Sahashi Minato's Sekirei and was willing to go and kill Minaka if Homura would have simply asked her to do so. Though she cares about Minato, Miya often enjoys making fun of him in a slightly sly and teasing manner, making several embarrassing remarks in the presence of his own Sekirei and stating that it has become "quite lively" ever since he arrived. She also has a tendency to listen in on other people's conversations (mostly Minato's) by wiretapping via a rubber duck outfitted with a speaker made by Matsu[2][3], whom she christened "Duck-san".

Despite being the caring and maternal figure of Izumo Inn, Miya maintains a strict set of rules for her tenants to follow. Under her roof she prohibits fighting obscenity and illicit sexual activity, and has stated on more than one occasion that she will not forgive anyone who commits violent acts in the inn. When she becomes angry, annoyed, or if someone breaks the rules of the house, and when she is giving threats, (such as evicting Minato and the others if they learn too much about her past[3]), a demonic visage of a hannya appears behind or above her head. The hannya is intimidating enough to scare even Homura and Tsukiumi into submission; in a flashback, it is revealed that Takehito used the hannya, and she presumably learned how to do it from him. Notably, it was after witnessing Takehito using the hannya in a conversation with Seo that made her smile for the first time[1]. Her strength and the hannya itself are the sources of her reputation as the "Hannya of the North".

Miya is on very bad terms with Sekirei #04 Karasuba, and threatened that she wouldn't allow her to get away if she ever came near Izumo Inn again[4].

She is very fond of all of Minato's Sekirei and has even said that she thinks that they are too good for him, despite Matsu's objections[5]. Miya fought together with two of Minato's Sekirei, Matsu, and Kazehana when they were all in the Disciplinary Squad together, and is particularly close with them as a result of their time as comrades.

Abilities and Powers

Sound wave

Miya specializes in swordsmanship and is strongly implied to be the strongest Sekirei, even referred to by Karasuba as from "another dimension" (Yume, Karasuba's teammate and rival, only garnered "foul player"). An indication of her power is shown when she became the first leader of the Disciplinary Squad and was able to sink several ships with just the shockwave from her sword. While having retired from actual combat, Miya does still regularly practice to keep her skills fresh. Miya has incredible speed as seen when she spars with Tsukiumi. Matsu once stated that if Miya and Karasuba would engage in a fight, half of Tokyo would be destroyed in the process.[5] This alone shows her potential power and throughout the manga, she is referred to (along with Karasuba) as the strongest Sekirei, and not even MBI dares to meddle with her.[6] She once owned the legendary Totsuga No Tsurugi, a longsword, but threw it away when she left MBI.[1]

As the Sekirei Queen[7], Miya has absolute control of Kouten and can command it to do anything even if she is not present on it. When a Norito-enhanced Matsu took control of it, she was only able to command it for about a minute before Miya took control back. [8]


Miya Takehito lab

Miya was the leader of the first generation Disciplinary Squad and participated in defending Kamikura Island. At some point, she engaged in a relationship with Takehito Asama (calling him her husband) and left MBI to settle down in Izumo Inn.[1] In the beginning of her stay there, she couldn't handle the housework at all and Seo helped her out, teaching her how to cook and perform other chores and duties, something that she later acknowledges.[9]


Miya is first introduced after Musubi and Sahashi Minato fall from the sky. She lends them clothes and has Homura patch up Minato after the fall. Minato then explains to her that he got evicted from his apartment and asks if can stay at Inn. Miya tells him that her husband never believed in turning away someone in need, and that maybe its the clothes make him Minato look like her husband and allows him to stay. Kagari asks her if its smart to just decide on taking in strangers who suddenly fell from the sky, and she replies that if they got here by chance, then it was the guidance of the gods. She then invites him in to talk about the details.

Miya is seen next after Minato and Musubi move into the Izumo Inn. In a flashback chapter, we see Miya training in the courtyard of the Inn, Musubi instantly asks her to spar which she agrees to. After a quick loss, they eat breakfast after training with Musubi. She and Musubi give a call to Minato who forgot his phone. She waves off Musubi, giving her a little bit of advice before going, when she goes to return Minato's phone.

She is later seen when Kagari returns to the Inn after protecting the Green Girl Kusano from Akitsu, he tells Miya to prepare an extra plate, much to her shock. When Minato returns to the Inn, Miya instantly thinks the worst, threatening him with her blade. Afterwards, Minato lied Miya by telling her that Ku is his relative that he has to take care of. When Ku passes out after eating, Miya insinuates to Minato that he is a pedophile after he tells her he can't trouble her with Ku sleeping in her room.

Miya hides her identity as a Sekirei from others. Only the other members of the 'first generation' Disciplinary Squad and Homura (#06) know her true identity. When Minato asked about #01's whereabouts, Miya answers that she died along with Takehito. When she saw the honest feelings of Minato and his Sekirei about Uzume's death, she was suddenly forced to make her move and give up neutrality in the Sekirei Plan[10], so she revealed her identity to Minato and the others, calling herself a being neither human nor Sekirei but more like a goddess[11]. She is the only Sekirei to have a legally recognized spouse and a family name.

She is revealed to be the final opponent to beat in the Sekirei Plan.

When Higa Izumi's Sekirei make another attempt to attack Izumo Inn in order to steal the Jinki, Miya is sitting on the back step of the inn with one of the two Jinki located at the inn, as Ichiya moves to attack her. However, the attack is intercepted by Mutsu, reuniting the First Generation Disciplinary Squad, sans Karasuba.[12] During the ensuing fight, Miya's propensity for lecturing Kazehana and Homura almost causes the duo to lose their fights.[13]

After Higa's party retreats, Miya orders the others to assist her in the cleanup efforts, and later spars with Musubi, later discussing matters with Yume when the latter takes over Musubi's body via her implanted Tama.[14] The two later spar, and Yume seems grateful to Miya for her care for Musubi and the others of Minato's group, something Miya in turn is grateful for.[15] After Seo, Hibiki, and Hikari come over to visit, Yume departs, leaving Miya to warmly tell Musubi that she has nothing left to teach her.

After these events, Karasuba and Miya both recount the night that Takehito was killed. Due to the Jinki producing unstable energy that would have threatened the lives of Sekirei and Ashikabi alike, specifically charging a "termination attack", a crisis situation was created. Upon arriving to MBI's HQ, Takehito found that Takami and Minaka were present along with several of the younger Sekirei. After confirming that he was the only non-Ashikabi human present, and being somewhat manipulated by Karasuba into sacrificing himself, Takehito decided to move forward with his plan to save Sekirei and Ashikabi alike, even though it would spell his own doom. He inverted the termination attack so that Sekirei and Ashikabi were immune to the harm, but also sealed his own fate. After his presumed demise, Karasuba was assigned to drop off his lab coat to Izumo Inn, where Miya had been living with Takehito. When Miya met the Black Sekirei in front of the Inn, she saw the lab coat in Karasuba's arms and snapped, reverting to her old, ruthless persona from her days as Disciplinary Squad leader, and brutally cut Karasuba down.[16]

By the closing events of the Fourth Stage of the Sekirei Plan, Miya has left the inn, traveling to Kouten and waiting for the final Sekirei-Ashikabi pair to come to her and instigate the final battle.[8] She quickly regains control of Kouten after Matsu briefly hijacks it.

As Musubi and Minato earn that right and ascend to Kouten, Miya calmly remarks that Musubi will be the one to face her.[17] A voice (Miya's) welcomes them to a place considered to be holy ground to the Sekirei. Musubi expresses that she isn't surprised to see Miya as their opponent, and calls her "No. 01" after respectfully calling her "Landlady" as she normally does. Miya speaks of involving herself in the Plan in order to test the worthiness of the final S/A pair to inherit the power of Kouten. Musubi expresses that her wish using Kouten's power is to allow for all destined Sekirei and Ashikabi to remain together or be reunited, after Miya asks her what they seek from Kouten. The two then begin to fight.[18] While Miya dominates the fight at first, Musubi battles back and defeats Miya with a new and improved Norito attack. As Miya passes out, she remembers the first day she spent with Takehito at Izumo Inn.[19]

Although Miya is alive, she is weakened by her defeat and the severing of her ties to Kouten in the wake of Musubi taking over her duties.[20] Even though it would help her physical health, Minato refuses to wing her out of respect for her and Takehito. Matsu later brings her a glass of water after the celebration held at the inn.[21]

She is ultimately reunited with Takehito after he is revived and the two happily embrace in front the inn.[22]


"Become...Become strong. Strong enough to protect the ones important to you, protect yourself. That is my only wish to you. As I step down from God's throne." (Miya in Tsukiumi's vision)[6]

Anime and Manga Differences

  • In the anime, Miya is the person who convinces Tsukiumi to help Minato in the escape plan.
    • In the manga, she also seems to be less antagonistic towards Minato.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Sekirei Manga chapter 73
  2. Sekirei Manga chapter 19
  3. 3.0 3.1 Sekirei Manga chapter 71
  4. Sekirei Manga chapter 18
  5. 5.0 5.1 Sekirei Manga chapter 62
  6. 6.0 6.1 Sekirei Manga chapter 100
  7. Sekirei Manga Chapter 150
  8. 8.0 8.1 Sekirei Manga chapter 166
  9. Sekirei Manga chapter 118.5 (Young Gangan Big Issue Vol3 2011)
  10. Sekirei Manga chapter 110
  11. Sekirei Manga chapter 111
  12. Sekirei Manga Chapter 127
  13. Sekirei Manga Chapter 129
  14. Sekirei Manga Chapter 136
  15. Sekirei Manga Chapter 137
  16. Sekirei Manga Chapters 139-40
  17. Sekirei Manga Chapter 179
  18. Sekirei Manga Chapter 180
  19. Sekirei Manga Chapter 182
  20. Sekirei Manga Chapter 185
  21. Sekirei Manga Chapter 187
  22. Sekirei Manga 365 Days Without Her Chapter 11