“ | There is no logic in love. | ” |
Kazehana (風花) is one of the heroines of the story and Minato's fifth Sekirei.
About Kazehana
Kazehana first appears when Musubi and Tsukiumi confronts the Veiled Sekirei, who was about to attack Kuno and her Ashikabi. She meets Minato afterwards for the first time at Izumo Inn, when she stumbled into his bed in a drunken stupor [1].
She surmised that Minaka might be Minato's father by the shape of their hands and their cheekbones, but didn't share this with anybody, including Minato [2]. She did, however, ask Minato if he knew who his father was, to which Minato answered that his mother never told him about his father. She knew Uzume's secret, and while she didn't condone Uzume's actions, she understands Uzume's motives (love for her Ashikabi). Her name (kaze+hana) literally translates to "wind flower". Miya's nickname for Kazehana is "Public Obscenity".

Kazehana full size
Kazehana wears a very short purple Chinese dress which shows her cleavage and belly button, and is the most mature looking Sekirei in Minato's group. Like Musubi, she has a well-developed figure. She always ties her hair up after waking up and is often seen with a bottle of sake. She wore black sunglasses during her first appearance in the prelude of the manga. She was once seen wearing an apron, borrowed from Uzume, to impress and seduce Minato. During her time as a Disciplinary Squad member, she wore the Disciplinary Squad uniform and let her hair down.

Normally, Kazehana displayed a very relaxed personality and often became giddy when discussing matters of love. She was also confident in her natural sex appeal and not afraid to speak her mind, openly admitting that she loved MBI Director Minaka Hiroto; however, she was rejected after her confession as he loved someone else, a fact that led to Kazehana's bitterness and jealousy towards that person enduring [3][4]. Due to this, Kazehana stated that she had no interest in things such as the Sekirei Plan because she didn't expect to like and accept an Ashikabi other than Minaka.

In spite of this, she questioned whether Minato would be able to convince her to become his Sekirei and decided to put him to the test. Despite Minato's lack of 'manliness', his concern and love for his Sekirei caused Kazehana to develop feelings for him, and she eventually became his Sekirei. Like Tsukiumi, Kazehana addresses herself as Minato's 'wife' [5]. Currently she competes for Minato's affection by joining the shopping contests and wearing all kinds of outfits from Uzume's collection in order to make him "happy" [6].

Kazehana getting giddy when discussing matters of love
Even though Kazehana displays a generally cheerful attitude towards life, she can become serious when the situation demands it. She is particularly intolerant of people who talk down to her [4]. She seems to enjoy making Tsukiumi mad by calling her Miss Panties Flasher, and beating her in shopping contests.
She has a caring side for Minato's other Sekirei, taking on the role of an older sister. She worries about Sekirei battling each other and wants all of her younger siblings to be happy.
Abilities and Powers

Kazehana is an experienced fighter who has the ability to control and manipulate wind, which also grants her a limited ability to fly. Kazehana herself stated that she had plenty of combat experience. According to Uzume, not even #05 Mutsu would be a match for Kazehana [7].
- Kaze no Tachi (風の太刀, Wind Sword)[8]
- Hana Utage (花宴, Flower Banquet)
- Hana Sakura (花桜, Cherry Flowers (also translated as Glimmering Petals))[9]
- Hana no Mae (花の舞, Flower Dance)
- Further information: Norito
Prayer: "Wind of my pledge, blow away the dark clouds that befall my Ashikabi!"
- Hana Arashi (花嵐, Flower Storm)[3]
- Hana Senpuu (花旋風, Flower Whirlwind)[4]
- Kami-Kaze (花美風, Flower Beauty Wind)[10]
Major Battles
- Kazehana vs. Uzume (several times)
- Kazehana vs. Tsukiumi
- Kazehana vs. Haihane
- Kazehana vs. Shi
- Kazehana vs. Kaie (multiple times)
- Kazehana vs. Benitsubasa (multiple times)
Kazehana is one of the oldest Sekirei and was once a member of the 'first generation' Disciplinary Squad, defending Kamikura Island [11]. After Minaka rejected her, she left the Disciplinary Squad and travelled the world to enjoy different foods and types of alcohol, including her favourite, sake [12]. At some point before the beginning of the story, she also lived in Izumo Inn[13].

Kazehana surprises Kuno
Kazehana was first mentioned by Kakizaki when he ordered Uzume in the hospital to terminate her [1]. Kazehana first appeared in person during Uzume's fight against Kuno, Musubi, and Tsukiumi [9]. She disliked that the rule of keeping to one on one fights was broken and sided with Uzume, taking her to safety on a nearby roof. Apparently, Kazehana knew the identity of the "Veiled Sekirei", asking how Miya was doing. Uzume then removed the veil hiding her face and challenged Kazehana. Kazehana refused to fight her, but Uzume launched her attack nonetheless. Kazehana overpowered her easily and touched her Sekirei crest ready to terminate her.

Kazehana supporting Uzume
Not willing to do so Kazehana suggested a deal, if Uzume pays for a round of Sake she would watch over her. Both of them ended up completely drunk, hardly able to walk or speak, and passed out in Minato's room [13]. The next morning, when both woke up in Minato's room, Kazehana showed a first reaction towards Minato, stating he really looked like "him".

Uzume and Kazehana sleeping in Minato's room
On being questioned about the meaning of that statement, it was revealed that Kazehana once lived in Izumo Inn. Kazehana also agreed to keep Uzume's alter ego a secret, making her now the only member of Minato's party who knew the true identity of the Veiled Sekirei [13].
The Escape Plan

Kazehana in Seo's appartement
Later, when Kuno and her Ashikabi explained their situation to Minato's party, Kazehana decided to help them escape as well, reasoning that a Sekirei should live with love [14]. When Minato and Seo discussed their escape plan, Kazehana popped out of nowhere stating she was just eavesdropping, much to everyone's surprise [15]. Kazehana decides to stay over at Izumo Inn for some time to help in the escape, stating she would be in Minato's hands, making Minato blush. Amused by Minato's innocent reaction, she starts to giggle and notices again the similarities of Minato to "that person". At this moment Kazehana's Sekirei Crest starts to react, confusing her deeply [2].
Back at Izumo Inn, Kazehana threw a farewell party for Kuno and Shigi [16]. The next morning, Kazehana peeked into Kuno and Shigi's rooms, as well as Minato's. She entered Minato's room and confirms that her Sekirei crest is reacting to him, causing her body to become more and more excited. This lead to her nearly kissing Minato (which would have caused him to become her Ashikabi), who woke up just in time to interrupt her. Afterwards, Kazehana asked Minato for a talk about his father. Minato told her that he didn't know who it was, as his mother never spoke about him, but that he must be alive. Minato then asked Kazehana if she planned to participate in the Sekirei plan, to which she answered there once was someone she loved but that she was rejected. If that person couldn't be her Ashikabi, things like the Sekirei plan would be meaningless for her, as any other Ashikabi would be "unnecessary". To Minato's surprise, Kazehana asked if he would want her strength. He agreed, and so Kazehana decided to test his manhood [17].
The Escape
Later at the same day, the escape plan was put into action with Kazehana's being to take out some MBI guards at the train station, something she accomplished effortlessly. She thought it was cute that Minato gave her such an easy job. Afterwards, she rested, wondering what manly traits Minato would show her, saying she couldn't wait for it and that she was starting to fall for Minato [18].
Kazehana was next seen standing on a pillar watching the fight between Minato's party and the Disciplinary Squad deliberately refraining from joining in. When Musubi's Sekirei crest disappeared and Minato was crying in pain, she commented that that would be his grief, and that the end was near. Minato's grief caused Kazehana pain, however, making her wonder what was wrong with her [19]. After Tsukiumi and Yume rescued Minato's party and he collapsed, realizing how naive he was and how his decision brought everyone in grave danger, Kazehana decided to show herself again and headed smiling towards Minato. When Minato saw the collapsed bridge and realized their escape route is blocked, Kazehana appeared and asks if he was calling for her. Minato then told her he didn't think of himself as a worthy Ashikabi, but he wanted her and needed Kazehana's power over wind. She blushed, took Minato's head in her hands, and said he should call her by name [20]. She put him on the ground and told him that she already saw the man inside him. Regardless of anything else, he worried about and loved Sekirei to the point of crying for them, which was the type of Ashikabi the Sekirei needed.

Kazehana gets winged
After her speech, Kazehana kissed Minato twice, winging herself and incidentally making Tsukiumi jealous. Kazehana stated that her feelings for "that person" were fading away, their previous love seemed to have been set free. In order to help Kuno and Shigi cross the bridge, Kazehana kissed Minato a third time to use her Norito and transport them both to the other side. After being asked by Tsukiumi, Kazehana revealed that her previous love was MBI president Minaka Hiroto, much to the surprise of Musubi and Tsukiumi [3]. Immediately following this revelation, Kazehana hugged Minato and stated that she had a new boyfriend, provoking Tsukiumi into attacking her (an incident which lead to Tsukiumi being dubbed "Miss Panties Flasher"); however, their fight was interrupted by Minato, who asked them all to get along.
As Tsukiumi and Kazehana were in the process of making up, however, Haihane interrupted, much to Kazehana's displeasure. Telling the Blue Sekirei that only #01, the president, and from then on Minato could speak to her like that, Kazehana blew Haihane back into the river, leaving the rest of Minato's group speechless at the display of power. As the group attempts to escape, they are held back by the injured Minato and the powerless Musubi. Kazehana suggests that she could simply blow away the approaching MBI guards, but stops when Sahashi Takami appears to tell them they won't be harmed, and ask them to be obedient for a while. Takami asks Kazehana to inform Miya that Minato's group won't be harmed, and Kazehana vanishes [21].
Living in Izumo Inn

Kazehana in an apron
After Minato returns to Izumo Inn from the hospital, Kazehana greets him enthusiastically and nearly naked, wearing only an apron, earning a nosebleed from Minato and a scolding from Miya. Kazehana also calls herself Minato's wife for the first time, and then returns to Uzume's room to find something else to wear which would make Minato happy. While she searched through the closet, Uzume considered touching her Sekirei crest and terminating Kazehana, but at that moment Kazehana turned and asked Uzume about her Ashikabi. Uzume then turned over all of her costumes to Kazehana, stating that she didn't need them anymore [5].
In the following chapters, Kazehana has only minor appearances mostly showing her lovey dovey behavior towards Minato, getting into trouble with Miya [22], driving Tsukiumi mad by cheating in their shopping races, or bathing with the rest and teasing Homura [6].

After this idyllic period, Homura tries to kill Minato because of his reaction to him, revealing to everyone aside from Kazehana and Matsu his identity as Sekirei #06 [23]. Kazehana agreed with the other Sekirei that Minato should attempt to help and wing Homura, and set out with the others to find him [24]. Minato's party reached the place Homura was fighting just in time to stop Homura from getting himself killed. When they arrive Kazehana states that she can't let him kill the president while the memories of her former love are still pure, immediately correcting herself saying it's not like she had still a lingering affection for him.
When the surprised eastern party started to show her will to fight, Kazehana promptly picked the veiled Uzume to prevent a fight between her and Tsukiumi and as well to find out more about the reasons of Uzume's strange behavior. When asked by Uzume why Kazehana isn't surprised to see her here, she reveals that she knew that Uzume went for her Sekirei crest and that Uzume had embraced the darkness. Kazehana asked if this was all for the sake of Uzume's Ashikabi and as she heard that this is the case she is convinced to fight her seriously, stating that she herself believes that Uzume's actions itself are wrong, but as a Sekirei Kazehana strongly believes they are right[25]. The fight ended unexpectedly with the retreat of the east including Uzume[7].
Some time later Minato got asked to help in an escape for another Ashikabi but refused. Kazehana agreed to his decision cause she was of the opinion that she doesn't like people who fight as much as they want and when it gets serious they run away[26]. When Minato got called to his match in the third stage Kazehana offered her help stating he would need someone experienced but Minato didn't choose her[26][27]. Kazehana is then seen to watch the fight of her Ashikabi and companions together with Matsu in her room[28]. After Minato's party has won she is seen cheering in joy stating the result is as expected of the man she admires[29]. After the fight with the east and Uzume, Minato and party returned to Izumo Inn. They got spotted by Kazehana and Kusano. Kazehana simply fetched Kusano and used her powers to fly towards Minato ending on top of him, as excuse stating it was a failed landing[30].
When Minato's party decided to help Uzume she waved Miya off and tells her to spoil Takehito's heaps. She then sees Musubi and the others of to the hospital while she stayed behind with Minato and Homura. She thanks Minato for helping Uzume and was thinking about Sekireis battling each other and her feelings as older sister for all Sekireis. Minato thanks her that she tried to cheer him up when he was worried about Uzume. She hugs Minato on the back and Uzume appears[31]. Minato tries to talk to Uzume but Kazehana interrupts him and pointed out that two other Sekirei are present. Uzume demands the Jinki and starts to attack Kazehana who replies that the "Veiled Sekirei" has no access to Izumo Inn. One of the other Sekirei, No. 40 Shi, creates on opening for Uzume to strike at Minato through attacking Kazehana[32]. After Minato was able to tell Uzume that the others try to save Chiho she plays along to buy time.[33] When Uzume changed sides Shi attacked and got terminated by Kazehana, who afterwards remarked Uzume most likely got the wrong Ashikabi, seeing everything Minato has done for her[8] While a dying Uzume asked Minato to take care of Chiho, Kazehana confirmed that Minato is a reliable man and not to worry. Shortly after Uzume was terminated Kazehana got battle ready as the Disciplinary Squad arrived but didn't act, and no fight broke out.[34]
Moving Forward
Kazehana stands behind Minato as he panics at a question posed by Miya: does he have the courage to win the Sekirei Plan and restore the lives of the terminated Sekirei, Uzume included? Minato sees Kazehana and the others laid out before him, unconscious or dead, as he internally comments "I might lose everyone just like that."[35] Kazehana worridly looks at Minato as he professes how scared losing Uzume has made him about the possibility of losing the others as well. After Minato hugs Musubi and Tsukiumi, flustering both of them, Miya tells the group that she will tell the truth of the history of Ashikabi and Sekirei.[36] Before Miya shows them the truth, the group proceeds to get cleaned up, with Kazehana joining Tsukiumi, Musubi, Matsu, and Kusano in the baths. As Tsukiumi exclaims in an astonished tone that she wasn't aware that Miya was Sekirei #01, Matsu exasperatedly states that she thought all the Single Numbers knew this, while Kazehana, overhearing, feigns disinterest. Miya then explains the function of the Jinki, and how they can be used to adversely affect Sekirei, the vision/memories of the past then begin.[37] While Kazehana herself is not present, a Sekirei from the past who resembles her is part of a group of Sekirei who bond with an Ashikabi who bears a striking similarity to Minato himself.[38] After Minato has been shown most of what Miya needs him to see, his Sekirei, Kazehana included, join him via their telpathic bond, Kazehana striking her usual seductive pose when Minato spots her.[39] Kazehana smiles as Minato professes that he'll do his best to protect them, and along with the others, says that she'll do her best as well. When Sanada and Seo both meet up with Minato at Izumo Inn to discuss an alliance, Kazehana remarks "that's just how love is" in response to Sanada's eccentric behaviour towards Miya.[40] When Minato leaves the inn for the Fourth Match of the Sekirei Plan's Third Stage, Kusano accompanies him, and the others do not.[41]
As Kusano and Minato participate in the match, Musubi remarks to the others that they should all share what they would do if they were the last Sekirei remaining, amongst themselves and with Minato as a "Sekirei Declaration."[42] In Kazehana's declaration, she states how she would spend the rest of her life in sweet, lovey-dovey bliss with Minato, causing Tsukiumi to erupt with her usual jealous anger.[43] As anticipated by Matsu, several of Higa's Sekirei arrive in Minato's absence, including Ichiya, Toyotama, Kaie, and Kaiha, with Toyotama demanding that Minato's Sekirei hand over the Jinki in their possession.[44] As Ichiya leaps towards Tsukiumi, and the Water Sekirei misses her, Kazehana blows her back, while jauntily teasing Tsukiumi about her panties being visible again. All present are then intimidated by Miya's usual hannya aura, as she states that no damage done to the inn will be tolerated. Kazehana once again attacks Ichiya before Kaie intervenes and challenges Kazehana, stating her name and number.[45] When Mutsu arrives, with the entirety of the First Generation Disciplinary Squad reunited minus Karasuba, Kazehana jokingly asks Mutsu why he hadn't written since they dissolved, much to Mutsu's annoyance at the "drunkard" addressing him so casually.[46] Kaie and Kazehana have a brief back-and-forth, with Kazehana complementing Kaie by stating that she's been stronger than she expected, until Higa withdraws due to Mikogami's lecture and Toyotama's termination.[47] Kazehana and the others soon arrive at the harbour, where the fourth match had just concluded, all happily greeting Minato and Ku.[48] They are met by Minaka's annoucement, the third stage is over, and the fourth will begin, as Kouten flies into view.
The Fourth Stage
Back at the Inn, and after cleaning up, Minato's six Sekirei have determined that they will share their declarations to him in the reverse of the order that they were winged, meaning Kazehana is up second.[49]After Homura speaks to Minato, Kazehana uses her abilities to create a gust of wind that blows Minato up to her on the roof. Kazehana asks Minato if he like her, to which he replies that he does, before she asks what he plans to do when the Plan is over. Minato's plan is unchanged and he still plans on attempting the university entrance exam a third time. Minato thanks Kazehana and proclaims that he wants to be with all of them forever, and to that end, he wants to continue to prove to prove to Kazehana and the others that he is a man worthy of their love. Kazehana says that he's more than good enough already, and that she loves him. Before they can kiss, Tsukiumi breaks things up. As Kazehana relaxes on the roof, she is disrupted by the noise caused by MBI helicopters flying overhead, as Minaka's announcement plays over the inn's TV: the remaining Ashikabi and Sekirei are to head to Kamikura Island under MBI's escort.[50] Kazehana proceeds to the island alongside the others.
As the Sekirei and Ashikabi arrive on Kamikura Island, Minaka reveals that the island emits energies toxic/poisonous to Ashikabi. The Ashikabi (and only they) have five minutes to place their Jinki at eight strategic locations on the island's perimeter before they succumb to these energies. Minato (accompanied by Homura, Kazehana, and Kusano while Musubi, Tsukiumi, and Matsu go with Minaka, who is handling the other Jinki possessed by Minato's group (#8) due to having the potential to be an Ashikabi himself) manages to place the Jinki (#3) into its receptacle just as time expires. Once this is complete, massive walls of light separate the participants into assorted pairs: forced to fight each other until there is a winner. If the fights aren't settled in one hour, both the Ashikabi (and all their associated Sekirei) will be terminated.[51][52] Shortly after this, Kazehana and the others see that Kaho has been terminated by Karasuba via a holographic projection, before they are confronted by Higa, Kaie, Ichiya, and Kaiha.[53]
Kazehana approves of Minato standing up to Higa but before any more can be said, Higa has Kakizaki and Kochou fire an orbital laser at their enemies, obliterating much of the surrounding area. After the fight begins, Kazehana and Homura disappear from view and then retaliate with a flame and wind blast that Ichiya shields Higa from.[54] Kaie attacks Kazehana in retaliation and they resolve to finish what they started earlier on. When Higa tells Minato that he knows that he is Minaka's son, Kazehana expresses that she knew it from Minato's jawline and hands resembling Minaka's.[55] When Higa expresses shock that Minaka didn't provide Minato with the Sekirei and resources that he has, Kazehana and Homura firmly state that they're with Minato because they care about him and want to be. Kazehana promptly has Minato activate her Norito, and Higa does the same for Kaie.[10] The wind generated by Kazehana's power amp allows for her and Kaie to converse, and Kaie professes to Kazehana that she is jealous of Minato's Sekirei because of his genuine care for them, something she and the others don't receive from Higa, but thanks her and Minato's other Sekirei for bringing out what little care Higa does possess for them. Kazehana says that there is a stronger look about Kaie than the first time she fought her, and the two unleash powerful techniques at one another. Kaie's One Hundred Lash Whip collides with Kazehana's Kamikaze Bloom, and the resulting impact terminates Kaie. Kazehana, having thought of Uzume before the attack, thanks Kaie for bringing out her best and states that she was strong.
As Kazehana gets her bearings back, the Disciplinary Squad (Natsuo, Karasuba, Benitsubasa, and Haihane) approach and the walls of light fade away.[56] As Minaka reveals, this is due to the sheer power released in close proximity to the walls and hostile human forces looking to attack the island and capture or eliminate the Sekirei, the same as the first invasion of the island. Musubi, Tsukiumi, and Matsu reunite with the others, but Karasuba is quick to confront Musubi.[57] Once the human invaders are within striking range, Kazehana blasts several of their helicopters with wind, similarly to the first invasion.[58] After Kusano exhausts herself by using her Norito-amplified technique to revive the terminated Sekirei present on the island such as Akitsu, Kazehana catches her before she can fall to the ground, having been healed.[59] Kazehana later helps Tsukiumi, Mutsu, Akitsu, Benitsubasa, and the others fend off the invaders shortly after Musubi terminates Karasuba.[60] Due to the seafloor being raised by Mutstu's Norito-amplified technique, the Jinki, as noted by Minaka from the Sekirei ship, begin to resonate with the quake and power surge, emitting energies that incapicitate the Ashikabi, worrying their Sekirei, Kazehana included.[61] The six of Minato's Sekirei then use their reamining power to revive Minato, resonating their powers through Musubi to do so. The others then collapse, along with the other Sekirei and Ashikabi, having entrusted the duty of defeating Miya to Musubi and Minato.[62]
Kazehana and the others are saved through Musubi and Minato's shared wish to save/free all of the Sekirei. They catch Minato when he falls down from Kouten.[63] After the Plan is over, Kazehana shares a moment with Minato during the party held at Izumo Inn. Drinking heavily because of grief over Miya's poor condition, Minato consoles her and resolves to help both her and Takehito, strengthening Kazehana's love for him by saying so, and the two kiss as fireworks are set off.[64] After Musubi descends from Kouten, plowing over Minato in the process, Kazehana and Minato's other Sekirei show up to share the moment.[65] Kazehana also appears in 365 Days Without Her, sharing another moment with Minato, going on a group date, and participating in the battle on Kamikura.
Anime and Manga differences
- In the Anime, Kazehana is winged at the brewery/warehouse on the docks. In the Manga, she is winged during the escape at the bridge. Notably, both versions of the winging/emergence take place after Benitsubasa and Haihane threaten the safety of Minato and his allies.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Sekirei Manga chapter 29
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Sekirei Manga chapter 38
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Sekirei Manga chapter 50
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Sekirei Manga chapter 51
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Sekirei Manga chapter 54
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Sekirei Manga chapter 56
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Sekirei Manga chapter 67
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Sekirei Manga chapter 106
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Sekirei Manga chapter 32
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Sekirei Manga chapter 158
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 71
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 73
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 Sekirei Manga chapter 35
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 36
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 37
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 39
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 40
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 41
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 47
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 49
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 52
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 55
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 60
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 61
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 65
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Sekirei Manga chapter 84
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 85
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 88
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 95
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 98
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 103
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 104
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 105
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 107
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 110
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 111
- ↑ Sekirei Manga chapter 112
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 113
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 115
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 117
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 119
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 121
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 122
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 126
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 127
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 128
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 129
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 133
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 135
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 141
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 142
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 143
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 148
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 156
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 157
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 159
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 160
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 165
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 171
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 176
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 177
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 179
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 182
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 186
- ↑ Sekirei Manga Chapter 187