Sekirei Wiki
3rd disciplinary squad

3rd generation of the disciplinary squad

The Disciplinary Squad is a group of Sekirei under the command of Natsuo Ichinomi a clerk of MBI and in charge to hunt down all who oppose or try to escape from the Sekirei Plan. It is indicated that this wasn't the purpose of the squad in earlier times.

The first Disciplinary Squad

The first squad was formed when an army invaded Kamikura Island during the time when most of the Sekirei still were embryos and eggs. The members [ranked #1 to #5] were adjusted by Takehito and they easily defeated the international army while protecting all unborn Sekireis. They disbanded for various reasons, Matsu stealing the Jinki #8, Miya because of her husband and Kazehana because of her rejected love to the director. Mutsu was referred to as a Sekirei which is hard to control.

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Members of the first Disciplinary Squad

Miya Asama (leader)





The second Disciplinary Squad

Not much is known about the second Disciplinary Squad. In a flashback it is revealed that Karasuba and Yume were fighting in order to save Musubi when she was still a baby. In this incident Karasuba killed a huge amount of soldiers stating to Yume how weak they were, saying she only killed them because Yume was not there to stop her.

Members of the second Disciplinary Squad

Yume (leader)

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The third Disciplinary Squad

This is the currently active formation. They are known to be ruthless and even killing Ashikabis which is forbidden by the rules of the Sekirei Plan. They all seem to be rotten and to enjoy killing. They are under the command of MBI hunting down escapies but also terminate other Sekirei if they are in the mood to do so. Yume when taking control over Musubi's body asked since when the Disciplinary Squad attacks other Sekirei. Now all members are winged by an Ashikabi named Natsuo Ichinomi. Besides this they play the same role than any other Ashikabi/Sekirei, they are active participants in the Sekirei Plan.

Members of the third Disciplinary Squad

Karasuba (leader)

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